Nov 18, 2023Liked by Mike Gerle

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If I came with some Golden Arches it Would say ONE BILLION SERVED!

I lived in the bathhouses in the early 70s in Seattle …. There was many to attend but I had my favorite two or three…. Back in those days we live there every Friday Saturday and Sunday… indeed the best times being naked and getting my fill of dicks to sucking and riding to my pleasure…. Then moving to LA in 1980… searching for bathhouses here…. Only to finding dozens… but the it hit …. AIDS!! Change all perspectives in gay life…. I was frightened to further attending out of fear…. Which is where I believe I got the virus…. Here I am now much later as long term survivor into my “Gay grandpa years” now

I wish I had the spark of other men touching me and getting fucked again …. Before I die…

Thank you Mike so much for your mind set on this …. I would love the glory days back in my life…

Roberto R Gonzalez

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Nov 27, 2023Liked by Mike Gerle

Love this Mike. Yes, I'm absolutely willing to get involved.

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Nov 17, 2023Liked by Mike Gerle

there still ARE gay venues where guys get naked, sexy and kinky. But they've become more private, selective, and accessible only to people who are in some 'loop', and get invited. In this regard, they've become less gay-communal and more gay-exclusive. We can thank social media for that.

I'm sure many of these groups select-OUT people who are "fats, femmes" or HIV+.

I hope I'm wrong.

I love your articles and insights, Mike. Keep them coming.

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You should come to nyc and see the play “bathhouse.pptx” at the Flea theater. It’s really good! https://theflea.org/shows/bathhouse-pptx/

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